Sunday, October 19, 2008

HELLLOOO!!! I'm alive everyone.. In case you were wondering. I'm hardly ever on the internet anymore, so I apologize. I've been really busy lately, so here's a quick little update. Since I last wrote, I've been to Sorrento, Capri, and Paris. I don't have time now, but pictures will be coming soon. Sorrento and Capri are absolutely beautiful. Our ferry ride from Sorrento to Capri was terrifying. It was, I kid you not, a small version of something you would see on Deadliest Catch. Hahaha. I'll explain more about it another time. Paris was my favorie trip so far. One of the most incredible places I've ever been to. DisneylandParis was AMAZING!!! But who would've thought otherwise?? Anyways, grades are good. A's on all my tests (so far..). Assignments coming up, so I'm busy with that. Venince, Florence, and Rome are coming up shortly. This weekend I'm off to Perugia for a chocolate festival :) I'm having the best time here, but I miss you all very, very much. I'm especially going to miss the holiday season.. So Mom, save me an ornament or two to hang on the Christmas tree! Ok, my computer is about to die. Sorry I'm slacking so much on the updates!! But hey, I'm in Europe..what do you expect??! Talk to you soon. Ciao!