Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I want to apologize to everyone for not keeping up with the blog.. I know you're all suffering because of it. You need me, I know. Hahaha. Well it's been about a month since I last updated. Ok, so after Paris I went to Perugia for the International Chocolate Festival. It was smaller than I imagined, but still good. The following weekend was Rome. Then after that I went to Florence with two of my roommates. Florence is beautiful. A lot of walking, but definitely worth it. We climbed 463 stairs to the top of the Duomo. Lovely view. Even though it was quite the little work out, I'm glad I did it. The way up was a bit annoying though. The staircase was pretty narrow and dark, and when you're following behind a group of people who clearly have never climbed stairs a day in their life, it took a tad longer than I had planned. Haha. Anyways, the rest of the time there was fun. Did a little shopping. For me, of course, so don't get excited. We had a really great dinner one night. Then we got the bill. 6 Euro for ONE bottle of water. Are you serious? Oh well. Next time we'll pay a little more attention to the menu I guess. The following weekend, which was this past weekend, we visited Venice. Beautiful. I know I say this a lot, but it was my favorite place so far. By a long shot. My weekends just keep getting better! I hope that everyone gets the chance to go to Venice at least once in their lifetime. It's unlike any other place we've seen in the States. I honestly can't express how amazing it is. Pictures don't do it justice. I had a really great time and hopefully I can go back before my time here is over. Mostly because I didn't get the chance to ride in a gondola.. But they're kinda more of a romantic thing anyways.. Haha. Oh well. Ok, let's see... What else.. I'm going to Ireland for Thanksgiving! Dublin. Should be a good time. Then nothing else really after that.. Isn't that just awful?? Hah. Grades are good. Only a little bit of drama with the roommates, but that's expected. How can you live with four girls for four months and there not be, right? But we're good for the most part. It's the stupid things that are becoming a problem. All I'm going to say is that is has resorted to us writing our names on our groceries.. Yeah. The weather is starting to get extremely cold, thanks to the rain and high winds. It's still nice though, if that makes any sense. I'm doing alright. Kinda have mixed emotions right now but I'm dealing with it. It's just weird to think about what it's going to be like when this is all over. I'm excited to get home and see everyone. I really do miss home. But at the same time, I've spent everyday with the same people for three months now and it's weird to think about the fact that I won't see more than half of them ever again. It's a strange feeling. It's also kinda like when you go on vacation somewhere.. You get to the point where you just want to be home already, sleeping in your own bed, back to your normal routine... Then you get there and wish you were back on vacation. That's what I'll be dealing with on a much greater level when I get home. So I'm sorry in advance if I come across like I don't want to be around you. Haha. Just kidding! I'm looking forward to it, don't worry. Alright, well I don't know what else to say.. So here's some pictures to look at. OH! I now have bangs. I haven't cut my hair since sophomore year of high school. I figured now would be the best time for change.. Enjoy!
Chocolate Festival
(Yes, that cow is made of chocolate)

Oh. And another thing. John Springer, I know you're reading this! And I think it would be a very wise decision for you to allow your son to study abroad. It'll be the best thing you could ever do for him. I promise.

Have a good day everyone :)

Miss you all!


Loushoe said...

Wow Holly I love all the pics you put up. It really makes me want to go there one day. Not that it wasnt one of the places already on my list haha. I know we all miss you alot so dont get to attatched we miss you.. lol see you soon yay!

Anonymous said...

Holly! I love the bangs! wait to see you!

LOVE & HUGS Rachael