Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Four more days.. and I'm home. Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, maybe for you. But for me, it is bittersweet. I'm ready to come home and see all of my friends and family..I've missed everyone so much. But I also have never been more sad to leave a group of people whom I only met four months ago. To be honest, I don't really know how I feel about leaving. I'm really anxious to get home. Some days that's all I can think about. I miss home more than I thought I would. It will be interesting to see how everything has changed.. It'll be strange to hear songs and see movies that you all have heard and seen months ago.. It'll all be new to me. I'm curious to see how people have changed. If people have changed. I'm sure I've changed, but I don't know how exactly, and I probably won't until I'm home. I don't think I'm a different person, by any means, but I have learned a lot about myself and I've done a lot of growing. Not physically, haha.. Still just as small as I was when I left. But this experience has been nothing short of amazing. I've met the best people. A majority of them, thankfully, live in California and Nevada, but there's a few from the East Coast that I'll probably never see again and two of my best friends here are from New Zealand and Australia. It's hard to say goodbye to them. These people have been such a big part of my life and I don't really know what it's going to be like at home without them. But also, from spending so much time with them, I've grown to appreciate certain people at home even more. It's going to be hard leaving this place, but I have a great life at home that I'm excited to get back to. I'll miss being able to travel every weekend throughout Italy and other countries.. That's going to be a huge let down once I'm home, but that's reality. I'm thankful for everything that's happened here and I can't describe it any other way than as a blessing. This has been a great opportunity for me and a time in my life that I'll never forget. I have the best parents for allowing me to do this. Thank you both so much for everything. I hope you understand just how much this has done for me.

Well everyone, there's not much else to say. I'll see you all very soon!! Pray for good weather so I make it home on-time :)

- Holly

1 comment:

Loushoe said...

We cant wait to see you either!! But I have to say I know exactly how you feel. Living in okinawa for over 3 years you leave behind people and the culture. When you come back it will be like culture shock all over again lol. But we are all happy your coming home, finally!!