Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ok, so we went on a little field trip yesterday to a medieval city called Civita di Bagnoregio. I'm pretty sure it's also called "the city that dies." Or something along those lines. You get the idea. But it was really neat to visit. There's only about 10 people or so who still live there because it has been evacuated. The mountain it sits on has basically crumbled to the ground and there isn't much left. It's beautiful, and so amazing that it has survived. There's not much else to say... (it was too hot to even think about listening to our guide talk about it..) It's easier to understand what I'm talking about with the pictures.. So once I stop having problems uploading them, you'll get to see everything . Sorry this one was so short! But I gotta go. Talk to you all soon!

OH! I almost forgot! After consuming a lot of
medicine, and doing a lot of praying.. My crazy throat problem is gone :) Haha. So I'm all ready to go now! Sorry Dad, that means I'm feeling well enough to do some shopping.. But I'm sure you were expecting that!

Here are the pictures!...Sorry it took so long.
I'll have some of my apartment soon!


Josh & Bethany said...


It sounds like you are having a blast! I love hearing about all your adventures!! BUT i do want to see some pictures!!! Thank God about your throat! He is so good. I was praying for you. My Mommy says hello and she misses you dearly. muah!

Josh & Bethany said...

YAY!!! Pictures.. you look so italian!! haha but i still see that Portagee blood shining through!!