Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello everyone! I just got back from a very long, but VERY fun weekend in Munich. OKTOBERFEST at it's finest. Hahaha. And that's all I'm going to say about that!

I finally took some pictures of my apartment, so you're all welcome. Things are going pretty well right now. School is school. Nothing too crazy. I'm enjoying it. Things are still great with all my roommates. We're having such a good time together! We're planning on going to Disneyland Paris next weekend!!! I'm so excited! And then sometime in October we're going to a chocolate festival in Perugia. Don't worry, I'm keeping up with my classes!! The only thing I would say that I'm struggling with is culture shock. It's hard to explain, so I don't even think I'll bother trying. It's a strange feeling and hard to adjust to, but I'm getting through it. It's not like being homesick. (I don't get homesick, right Mom?..) It's much different than that. But don't worry, I'm doing fine. I'm thankful, though, to have Jenna here with me. It's helped a lot. Other than that, everything is really great here. I'm so glad I'm doing this. Thanks Dad!!!

Well if you guys have any questions, please ask!! Love you all!! Miss you!

I know my bedroom is a little plain.. We're working on decorating!

Living Room/Dining Room

My Bathroom

Our TINY Washing Machine

My Side of the Bedroom
Jenna's Side
View out our WindowOur Front Door

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So glad I am home sick with pneumonia and having nothing to do but stumble across this lovely blog of yours.

It's so cool to see what you girls have been up to! I'm so jealous about your Disneyland Paris trip. Someday though....You'll have to let me know how it is. I'll be going to Disneyland here in about a month for my annual birthday trip.

Does your bathroom really have two toilets just sitting right next to eachother? That's kinda waht the pictures looked like to me.?.?

Well take care of your self and I look forward to hearing more. Love you and miss you!
P.s. Tell Jenna I love and miss her too!!!!